Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9EQ

01483 761885

Kingfield Primary School

'Be the best you can be'

Falcons Class 2024 - 2025

This half term (Autumn 2) PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays!


Dates for your Diary... 

  • Wednesday 4th September - Back to school
  • Monday 23rd September - Year 5 parent curriculum meeting 
  • Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November - Half term holiday
  • Monday 4th November - INSET day
  • Tuesday 5th November - INSET day
  • Wednesday 6th November - Back to School
  • Wednesday 27th November - Year 5 trip to watch The Lion King
  • Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas 

Please click here to open the National Curriculum.

Please see the documents below for further information to your child's learning in Year 5.

 Year 5 key words.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Daily Reading

I expect all children to read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. They can read a variety of books of their choice. They can read it independently, read to a family member or even be read to! Spending time with a book has boundless health benefits and can help children succeed in school. In other words: 

Reading is the key that can unlock success!

If you would like some great texts to read to your children, check out the Recommended Reading Lists that are uploaded below. I've categorised the fiction books into genres so you can find books similar to what you know you already enjoy. I have also included the book's Accelerated Reader level where possible. 

If you're reading a book at home and are interested in its Accelerated Reader level, use the website to find out. 

Many teachers at Kingfield love to read and are always willing to give out book recommendations! Don't be shy to ask an adult for a book they think you might like. 

 Great Non-Fiction Books for Children in Key Stage 2.pdfDownload
 Great Poetry Books for Children in Key Stage 2.pdfDownload
 Year 5 and 6 Recommended Fiction Books.pdfDownload
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Homework & Spelling

Homework is an integral part to consolidating learning from school. You should aim to spend at least 30 minutes on homework and spelling each week.  

Homework is set by Mrs Fox on a Tuesday using MyMaths. It needs to be completed by the following Tuesday. If it is not handed in on time, you may miss your break to complete it.

In addition, you will be given 5 spelling words to learn from a rule, pattern or theme. Your weekly spelling test will test the same rule, pattern or theme alongside mystery spellings. 

You'll need to dedicate some time each week to practicing your spellings. Use the spelling list below to learn this week's spellings. 

 Autumn Spelling Lists.docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Our Values

We will continue to look at our four key values: Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Reflection.


Through Class Worship, assemblies and cross-curricular lessons, our values will be embedded into all aspects of our day-to-day learning, helping us to become the best that we can be.



Staff for 2024-2025

If you have any questions or comments, please come and speak to us!

Class teacher: Mrs Fox

Additional teachers:

Mr Shenton Monday - Wednesday (am)

Mrs Speirs on a Thursday after break

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Connors


Forest School


This half term, Year 5 will be taking part in Forest school on a Friday morning. This is such a brilliant experience and we are very grateful to Mrs Campbell for the opportunity!


Please make sure that children wear old clothes, with full length sleeves and trousers, and bring their PE kit to change into in case they get muddy.