Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9EQ

01483 761885

Kingfield Primary School

'Be the best you can be'


Peacocks Class 2024 - 2025


  Autumn Term 2024

Our Golden Rules:

Be ready

Be respectful

Be safe

PE is on Thursday and Friday                                                          Please come to school in your PE kit every Thursday and Friday.              


Staff in Peacock Class:

Class Teacher:  

Mr Burt 


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Altaf (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Mrs Farshchi (Thursday and Friday mornings)



Mrs Connors  (Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons)


If you have any questions or comments, please do come to speak to us! You can also contact us via the office e mail.

Dates for your diary:

  • Wednesday 4th September - First Day of Autumn Term.
  • Thursday 6th March - Peacock Class Assembly (9am)



We have pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, pencil sharpeners and colouring pencils in school for the children to use.

The children are welcome to bring their own pencil cases and equipment into school, as long as the pencil case is not too big and as long as it fits into their tray.

It is very important that the children bring a water bottle to school each day. Please do not send bottles with frozen water as the desk area gets very wet and ruins the children's books and work, which, as you can imagine, causes quite a few problems! Please do send bottles with sports lids, rather than bottles where the whole lid has to come off to drink from it. We have had a couple of books nearly ruined by spillages from large open bottles.

Thank you.



The children will need to wear their PE kits to school - for the whole day.

Please ensure that the children wear the correct PE kit:

  • Trainers
  • Royal blue shorts and a white T shirt with / without school logo – Football shorts with logos are not permitted
  • Royal blue jogging bottoms
  • Royal blue fleece jacket with school logo 

Year 4 Weekly Homework:

This is set via their own MyMaths page, they will need their own login which is on the back of their bookmarks. 

If you need your child's MyMaths login, please ask a member of Peacock class staff. 

Each week the children will be set: 

Maths ( MyMaths) 

English (Spellings - new spellings handed out and tested each Thursday - see below for more details) 

They will also need to be completing:

Daily Reading

Times Table Rock Stars (20 minutes a week)  


Remember to talk to us as soon as possible if you have questions about or problems with the homework. Please don't leave it until the day it's due in! 

Homework tasks aim to:

  • enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
  • help pupils develop as independent learners;
  • promote a dialogue between home and school in supporting each childs learning;
  • enable the curriculum to be covered in sufficient depth and breadth;
  • provide educational experiences in addition to those available in school;
  • practice skills, consolidate and reinforce learning taught in school;
  • help children develop good work habits for the future.


The role of parents:

Parents have a vital role to play in their child‛s education and homework is an important part of this process. We ask parents to encourage their child to complete the set homework tasks. Parents are invited to help their children as they feel necessary and to provide them with the sort of environment that allows children to do their best.

This includes:

  • providing a good working space at home
  • enabling their child to visit the library 
  • discussing the work that their child is doing
  • providing access to on-line resources if applicable


Daily Reading:

In school:

We have guided reading sessions three times a week and 10 - 15 minutes of focused individual reading per day. There will also be reading interventions as required.

At home:

We expect and encourage the children to read at home with an adult on a daily basis as part of the weekly homework. This sharing of texts and discussion is still really important for all levels of readers. We also encourage the children to read a range of genres to widen their knowledge and experience.

We are no longer sending Reading Records home, as we follow the children's progress through the Accelerated Reader programme.

Please see below for our Recommended Reading Lists.


 Great Non-Fiction Books for Children in Key Stage 2.pdfDownload
 Great Poetry Books for Children in Key Stage 2.pdfDownload
 Year 3 and 4 Recommended Fiction Books.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
 MAPs book-review-template.pdfDownload
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Spelling tests will be every Wednesday.

Please see below for list of each term's spellings for Year 4.

We will introduce a new spelling pattern each Friday - setting 5 spellings to practise, both at home and in school, throughout the week.

During the spelling test, we will include the 5 words that they have been practising, as well as 5 other words with the same spelling pattern. This way we can test their understanding and ability to apply what they have learned, as well as testing their spelling recall of the 5 words they were given.

The children have also been working on the Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spelling Words throughout Year 3 and we will continue to work on those throughout Year 4.

 Year 3&4 statutory spellings.docxDownload
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Key documents relating to your child's learning:

 Year 4 key words.docxDownload
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Our School Values:

We will continue to look at our four key values:

Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Reflection.

Through assemblies, across the curriculum, during break-times, our values will be embedded into all aspects of our day-to-day learning, helping us to become the best that we can be.

Useful websites for extra learning activities: 

 Useful websites.docxDownload
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