Puffin Class 2024-2025
PE is on Tuesday and Friday this term. Please have your PE kit in school all week.
Staff in Puffin Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Houston and Mrs Whittington
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Leidl, Mrs Moghul, Mrs Subedi, Mrs Zahid
PPA Cover Teacher (Tuesday afternoon): Mrs Randall
If you have any questions or concerns please do get in contact, either face to face at the end of the school day or through email to the school office.
Dates for your Diary
- Monday 6th January 2025: First day of Spring Term
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st February: Half Term
- Monday 24th February 2025: INSET Day
- Tuesday 25th February 2025: Back to School for Spring Two
- Friday 4th April 2025: End of term, finish at 2pm
Puffin Class will usually have their PE lesson on a Tuesday and Friday Please ensure your child has their named PE kit in school all week.
Reading and Spellings
We expect all children to read their Little Wandle Guided Reading book every day. Please sign your child's reading record to show when they have read to you. They will have their reading books changed on a Monday.
On Wednesdays children will be given a list of 8 spellings to practise at home. These will be words that we have focused on during phonics that week. The following Wednesday they will have a small test on these spelling words.
On Wednesdays children will also be given the opportunity to take out a book of their choice from the school library. Please ensure that they bring these back into school each Wednesday so they can get a new one.
Please find a link to information about Phonics Screening in Year 1: Phonics_screening_check_information_for_parents.pdf
You will find key documents to help understand your child's learning, including our recommended reading lists.
Spring 2
The class books we are reading this term are the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and Where the Wild Things Are.
Our School Values
These values will be our focus for the year.