Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9EQ

01483 761885

Kingfield Primary School

'Be the best you can be'




Starting at Kingfield Primary School and Nursery 

Kingfield Primary School and Nursery is a one form entry school (i.e one class of 30 children per year group)

Reception Places If your child is due to start school in September 2025 (birthday between 1/9/20 to 31/8/21) you can start your online application any time from the 4th November 2024, but you must have completed it by 15th January 2025. To apply online visit: . If you do not have access to the internet please contact Surrey County Council for a paper form on 0300 200 1004 and return directly to the address at the top of the form. 

Open mornings for Reception and Nursery will take place during the Autumn Term 2024 - Please see the drop down above for dates and times and call  01483 761885 or email

In Year Applications 

We welcome applications directly for children to join our school in Years R - 6, by completing this form, In Year Application to School

We invite all prospective parents to visit the school and meet with Mr D Jackson our Headteacher. Please contact the school office on 01483 761885 to speak to  Mrs Penny Bobbett our admissions officer on a Tuesday, Thursday or Friday between 8.30am - 3.30pm. 

Waiting lists - Where there are more applicants than places available, waiting lists will operate for each year group according to the oversubscription criteria for each academy without regard to the date the application was received or when a child’s name was added to the waiting list. Waiting lists for all Year groups will be maintained until the last day of the Summer Term (31st August) when they will be cancelled . Parents wishing to remain on the waiting list after that time must submit their request in writing between 1st July and 31st August stating their wish and providing their child’s name, date of birth and the name of their child’s current school.   If a request is not received by 31st August you will be required to submit a new complete in year application regardless of any prior correspondence or communication you have had with the school.

Additional information can be found below.

Supplementary Admission Form (children of staff only)

Appeals Timetable 2025

Admission Policies

To view Kingfield Primary School’s admission policy please click on the relevant year: 

Admissions Consultation for Swan Trust 2026-27

Nursery Admissions 


*****We currently have spaces in the nursery and are taking applications for immediate starts, and starts in January 2025.*****

Parents who wish their child to attend the Nursery are asked to fill in an application form and return this to the school office. (see application form link below) 

The closing date for Sept 2025 applications is 31st March 2025. However, if there is availability, you will be able to apply after this date.

 All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours free per week the term after they turn 3. Some children are entitled to up to 30 hours free (please visit: to see if you are eligible) 

Some children are entitled to a funded place before their 3rd birthday (FEET Funded or Working Parent Entitlement). We can take children the term after they turn 2 (as long as we have enough 2 year old spaces). We are only able to take five x 2 year olds per session, and this is to do with staffing ratios. Other 2 year olds, who are not eligible for funding, can attend the nursery (if there are spaces), but these sessions will be chargeable.  


For the 15 hrs, we offer the following session options: 

All day Monday & Tuesday 8.30am - 3pm plus Wednesday morning 8.30am-11.30am  

Wednesday afternoon 12.00pm - 3pm plus all day Thursday and Friday 8.30am - 3pm 

Five morning sessions Monday - Friday 8.30am - 11.30am 

Five afternoon sessions Monday - Friday 12.00pm - 3pm 

Children who attend any full day sessions, will stay for a lunch session (1130 - 12). School lunches are £2.50 a day and must be paid for in advance. Alternatively, you can bring a packed lunch for your child if you prefer. 

Additional nursery sessions will be offered where available (up to a max of 30 hours per child). To book these, you will either need to supply the school with your eligibility code (if you are entitled to 30 hrs free childcare), or you can pay for top up sessions in advance (£20 per session for 3 and 4 year olds, and £27 per session for 2 year olds). Please call the school if you have any questions about this. 

Selection to the Nursery will be based on criteria in our Nursery Policy. The main intake is in September and is for children who are 3 years old by 31st August of that year, or 2 years old (if we have spaces). Offers will be sent out at the end of the Spring Term, or later when the nursery is not full. If there are still spaces available, then we will offer places for a January intake and an April intake as well (but these are subject to availability). 

Nursery children wear a school sweatshirt, white polo neck shirt and blue track suit bottoms. 

If you would like to discuss anything further please call the school office on 01483 761885 or email 

 Nursery Application Form

Click here for a FEET application form

Nursery Policy